Sunday, August 4, 2024

Movies on Disc (Days#3,4)

 It has been an odd couple of days. They have reminded me (against my will) how much I rely on the internet these days. With a storm coming and connection very, very spotty, I ended up digging out a movie on disc *whoa!* to have some background noise as I work. I found an unexpected amount of comfort in a familiar movie’s menu loop :) 

Nice to see you again Qui-Gon!*

It was so nice to enjoy the movie without sputtering or ad breaks. I forgot the peace that comes with the intentionality of having to put a disc in a player. No auto-play, no jumping instantly to something else at random like you can with streaming services now.

After sketching in my book with good-old pencil, I had the urge to bring out my old drawing tablet! It has been so long since I sat with it. I took what I'd started in my real sketchbook yesterday, redrew a lot of it, and added a dash of digital color for fun ;)

Still just a rough drawing, but hey, it's getting late again! I hope you had a great weekend! Good night all!

*As always, fan art is for fun, and I make no claim to their characters/property. 

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